1.25″ filters are only recommended for smaller sensors and/or higher f/ratio instruments, as they may otherwise vignette the image. These filters are built for SBIG to our exacting specifications. All filters are parfocal, which avoids unnecessary refocusing.

Filters and filter set available include:
- Luminance (L)
- Red (R)
- Green (G)
- Blue (B)
- Clear (C)
- Hydrogen Alpha (Ha) – 656.3 nm, bandwidth 7 nm
- LRGB Color Imaging Package (four filters)
Clear passes all wavelengths but is parfocal with the other filters.

1.25″ Round Mounted Optical Filters
SBIG Filters |
1.25 inch threaded cells |
FL-125-LRGB |
1.25"-LRGB Package |
51470 |
1.25"-dia-uv-ir-cut-filter |
51823 |
1.25"-h-alpha-filter |
51886 |
1.25"-clear-ir-cut-filter |
51887 |
1.25"-red-filter |
51888 |
1.25"-green-filter |
51889 |
1.25"-blue-filter |